Configuration of this site

This site is hosted on VPS provided by FTdL as a thank you for my donation. I asked to set up it with ubuntu, and later configured apache web server for it. It took me about a week to configure just that, along with domains, SSL, and other stuff.


After such difficulties in setting up a basic HTTP server, I decided that having a static site was the way to go. Although I want to not configure other stuff, I want my site to look somewhat nice and be easy to add new content, so Hugo seems like a nice compromise. It took me another week to configure the site the way I deemed it acceptable. I still need to configure tags and categories to work in the Polish version. In general, having multilingual support seems to make everything four times as hard to set up and twice as hard to work with.

Writing posts in Emacs

Specifically, Doom Emacs; maybe someday I will craft my own configuration, but for now, it is more convenient to just use Doom.


I tried using org-mode with ox-hugo, but their multilingual support is not working, or I did something wrong. Unfortunately, my idea for this blog is to provide posts both in English and in Polish, so now I am writing this in markdown mode. Later, I will configure HUGO to use org formatting. I did not want to go that route because it breaks org links, but maybe they have fixed it now.


Easy-hugo makes it easier to write content for Hugo by providing editing functions, but it focuses on working with Markdown. It was not my first choice because of this, but after the failure with ox-hugo I decided to try it out. It seems to conflict with Doom Emacs, and therefore I also can’t really use it.

Just org mode

Unfortunately, the PaperMod theme throws up errors if I use org front matter, so now I am somewhat forced to work straight in Markdown.

Testing LanguageTool

Also, I tried to set up LanguageTool in Emacs, but I failed to do so. I just use it externally, which is somewhat cumbersome.


It appears that I will not be able to take advantage of org-mode until I learn how to configure my own HUGO themes and how to debug Emacs packages (ox-hugo, flycheck-languagetool). I would consider trying some other text editor, but from experience, I know that no matter what, I just gravitate to Emacs.